HYMN Lyrics Text: A Gift From My Heart (What Shall I Offer To The Lord To Make Him Happy)
Refrain I
What shall I offer to the Lord to
make Him happy?
What shall I offer to the Lord to
please Him? (D.C)
1. I may give Him the best of my life
He may not take it
I may give Him the best of my
He may not take it (2x)
Refrain II
A loving heart, a patient heart
a humble heart, a caring heart
he will love.
2. I may give Him the gift of a ram
He may not take it
I may give Him the gift of a cow
He may not take it (2x)
3. I may give Him the gift of a car
He may not take it,
I may give Him the gift of a house
He may not take it. (2x)